how to find duplicate files on our mobile and how to remove duplicate files on our mobile phone in one click.

Hello friends, we do store a lot of photos and videos in our mobile storage but there is sometimes a photo or a single video saved as many times as our storage is full. When our mobile storage is full, we are unable to download any video, App mp3 on our mobile.

in this article, we are going to tell you how to find duplicate files on our mobile and how to remove duplicate files on our mobile phone in one click. using this trik we can remove duplicate audio, video, images. and documents in one click.

  • Download duplicate finder application from the play store. you can download this app from the download button below.
  • open application and choose your file type,
  1.     audio scan
  2.     picture scan 
  3.     video scan
  4.     all document scan
then click on scan now button, the application scan your files and show you duplicate files then click on delete now button your files will be deleted 

                                       Click on the download button to install this application

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